Losing weight is not all about following a balanced diet plan. It requires exercise as well that causes burning more calories. Weight loss exercises are not only limited to the gym or professional trainers. You can do these exercises easily without gym and trainer to have fun and benefit both.
Simple Weight Loss Exercises
There are many simple weight loss exercises that can be effective as gym workouts. The need is only to do them with consistency.

- Go for brisk walk early in the morning as it will be beneficial to lose weight as well as to improve overall health. If you can’t manage morning walk you may go for a walk several times a day when you get time. It can be in your neighborhood, at work place, in your building , on the terrace or anywhere you like to have it. The targeted daily walk is five miles a day that is equivalent of 10,000 feet so you can use a pedometer to keep a record of how many steps you have taken in a day.
- Prefer to use stairs instead of elevator wherever possible. You can take the stairs with less intensity while you can increase it while going downstairs. This will help you burn more calories that leads to lose body weight.
- The good idea to add weight loss exercise in your weight loss regimen is to play any of your favorite sports. It will be a fun as well as an exercise. Playing your favorite game does not make you fatigued, however doing weight loss exercises can be a tiring task for you.
- There are several weight loss exercises that you can do without any gadgets at home easily such as push ups, squats, and abdominal crunches.
- Yoga is a smart choice for saying goodbye to extra body weight. The only thing you need is a yoga mat. You can get a DVD of yoga to learn the basics or you can find many informative and useful videos over the internet to perform yoga efficiently.

This guide to simple weight loss exercises can lead you to achieve your weight loss goal easily.