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Scleroderma - Tabib.pk



Scleroderma – a chronic disease – which is not curable but can be managed with the help of exercise and diet plan. Basically, scleroderma is a disease which happens as a result of various skin disorders and the tightening and hardness of the connective tissues. The disease is progressive and stays for a long time. It depicts that the disease gets worse with the passage of time. So, there is a need for its early diagnosis and corrective treatment options.

This disease also comes under the category of autoimmune disease in which own immune system of the body starts reacting against its cells instead of protecting them.

As a result, the collagen starts to produce in more amount in the body which creates connective tissues. The scarring of tissue, fibrosis, and thickening of tissue happen in such a situation.

The disease is not transmittable but it can run in families. Usually, its patients don’t have any family history of scleroderma.

“In the United States, the disease affects between 75,000-100,000 individuals. Mostly, women between 30 to 50 years are its victims.”

What is Scleroderma?

Scleroderma is a skin disease that is classified as an autoimmune disease. The word ‘scleroderma’ is derived from two Greek words ‘sclero’ and ‘derma’ which means ‘hard’ and ‘skin’, respectively. As the disease is related to skin, its symptoms are the hardness of the skin. Though, its conditions differ from one individual to the other individual.

Causes of Scleroderma

Changes in the condition of the skin can happen because of scleroderma. Changes in skin of hands and fingers are some early symptoms of this disease. You may figure out a change in the form of stiffness, puffiness, and tightness. It can be because of emotional stress or sensitivity to cold. Also, you may experience swelling in your feet and hands when you wake up in the morning.

Some other symptoms may include;

  • Thickness and tightness of the skin on fingers
  • A narrowing of blood vessels which is recognized as Raynaud’s disease
  • Calcium issue in tissues of the body
  • Visible red spots on hands and face
  • Issues happen because of esophagus which is linked to stomach & throat

Here, you need to know that symptoms may vary from one individual to the other in different ways. Also, they affect individuals differently in different parts of the body.

When To See A Doctor?

Whenever you see the onset of the symptoms or you have some irritating signs, then you have to visit a qualified and expert doctor for a detailed examination. An early diagnosis can help in better treatment.

Types of Scleroderma

The disease comes in different types. Basically, it is characterized into two types – systematic & localized. Then, the systematic type further characterized.

1. Localized Scleroderma

Mainly, localized scleroderma affects the skin. Further, it may also affect your bones and muscles. However, it does not affect the internal organs of our body. Further, it has 2 types – linear and morphea.

2. Systemic Scleroderma

This type of scleroderma affects the complete body. It includes both internal and blood organs which specifically include lungs, heart, esophagus, and kidneys. Also, circulation of blood is affected by it. It further contains 2 kinds:

3. Diffuse Systemic Sclerosis

Usually, the thickening of the skin affects the area of your hands. In addition to it, your internal organs can also be affected. Such patients may experience weight loss, issue in swallowing, difficulty in breathing, fatigue, and weakness.

4. Limited Cutaneous Systemic Sclerosis

It is not a severe kind of systemic scleroderma, but it has bad impacts on your lower arms, face, feet, legs, and hands. Also, it may create some issues with your digestive system, lungs, and blood vessels. You may also call it as CREST syndrome. Why? Its Abbreviation can tell you the reason!

C: Calcinosis

R: Raynaud’s disease

E: Esophageal issues

S: Sclerodactyly which makes your skin thick

T: Telangiectasias (red spots on the skin)

Symptoms of Scleroderma

Scleroderma - Tabib.pk

Different parts of your body can be affected because of its symptoms.

  • Muscle weakness
  • Problem in swallowing
  • Swollen or painful joints
  • Dryness in mouth
  • Dry eyes
  • Swelling or puffiness in fingers
  • Sores or ulcers on fingertips
  • Shortness of breath
  • Red spots on the chest & face
  • Weight loss
  • Diarrhea
  • Heartburn
  • One of the most common symptoms – thickness and hardness of the skin on face and hands
  • Hardened or thickened skin that looks shiny and smooth. It’s most common on the hands and face


Early diagnosis is necessary as it helps in treating the problem. Scleroderma comes with some vague symptoms that it is not easy to diagnose the problem. Some tests and a detailed physical examination are done by the doctors to get an exact diagnosis. Following tests are helpful in the diagnosis:

  • Skin biopsy
  • Using a microscope to check the skin, fingernails, capillaries, and tiny blood vessels
  • Blood tests to evaluate the levels of specific antibodies

Your doctor will check the reason for shortness of breath, calcium deposits, joint pain, GERD, and skin thickening. Also, the complications of your heart and lungs can be checked.

Risk Factors

Scleroderma is not genetic and it may happen to anyone. Different factors can play their role in the onset of this disease. They may include:

  • Genetics
  • Environmental triggers
  • Problems related to the immune system

“According to an estimate, scleroderma disease occurs more in women as compared to men.”


Complications may happen because of this disease. However, these complications range from mild to severe. You need to know that they can affect;

  • Fingertips – if your disease happens along with systemic scleroderma, then it can become severe by restricting your blood vessels. In this way, it damages the tissues of your fingertips and you may get skin sores. In such cases, the tissues of fingertips may die or they require more care and actual treatment.
  • Lungs – When you have scleroderma, it may affect the functioning of your lungs. In this way, you experience difficulty in breathing and your tolerance level becomes low. High blood pressure may also happen because of the issues in arteries.
  • Kidneys – When you get high blood pressure because of the disturbance with arteries, it may affect your kidneys. A renal crisis may occur because of instant kidney failure or elevated blood pressure.
  • Teeth – Your mouth looks narrower and smaller than before because of the severe tightening of the skin on the facial area. In this way, you may feel difficulty in brushing your teeth. Dryness of mouth can also happen as it is seen that patients with scleroderma cannot produce enough amount of saliva. Dental decay may also happen as a result.
  • Heart – The risks of abnormal heartbeats may increase because of the scarring of heart tissues. Also, this disease can increase the pressure of blood on the right side.
  • Digestive System – The patient may experience difficulty in swallowing and heartburn because of the digestive issue which raises as a result of scleroderma. Bloating, diarrhea, constipation, and cramps are some other signs.


No exact treatment is available for Scleroderma, but it can be managed by using accurate treatment methods. Your doctor will do your detailed conditions, check your symptoms, and do some tests to know which treatment will work for you. Following are some methods which can assist in this regard:

  • Steroids and related drugs can assist in controlling the immune response. Such medicines can be helpful in internal organ issues, joints, and muscle pain.
  • Medicines of heartburn
  • Medicines for controlling blood pressure
  • Drugs to increase blood flow towards fingers
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs NSAIDs, including aspirin and ibuprofen, to help with pain and swelling
  • Drugs which help in opening blood vessels and managing tissue scarring

Some other things can also be helpful in this regard:

  • Stress management techniques
  • Occupational therapy
  • Physical therapy
  • Skin treatment which may include laser therapy
  • Strength training
  • Exercise
  • Organ transplantation in case of dire need

“Symptoms of scleroderma fade away with the passage of time in some cases. Though if internal organs are targeted, then the condition may worsen with the passage of time.”


Overproduction of the collagen is one of the main reasons for this disease. Though no medicine is available until now which can cure this condition. Hence, some medicines can be utilized to control the symptoms of scleroderma and their prevention. For instance, your doctor can prescribe you medicines to:

  • Dilate blood vessels – Medicines which assist in dilating the blood vessels can help in preventing kidney and lungs diseases.
  • Reduce digestive issues – Oral medicines to reduce stomach acid can also be helpful in giving relief from heartburn. Medicines and antibiotics can assist in moving food through intestines and as a result the patient gets rid of constipation, diarrhea, and bloating.
  • Suppress the immune system – Medicines to suppress the immune system can be taken to reduce the symptoms and signs of scleroderma.
  • Relieve pain – If any of your organs are in pain because of this skin disease, then pain killers are prescribed to feel ease.
  • Treat skin changes – Changes may happen in the skin condition when a person is suffering from scleroderma. Related medicines are prescribed to reduce and manage these skin changes.
  • Prevent infections – Prevention of infections is necessary to manage your body condition. Influenza and related vaccinations can prevent the person from any kind of infections.


You may get therapies to get help with:

  • Pain management
  • Improvement in mobility & strength
  • Managing daily tasks


Surgery is recommended by the doctors and other medical experts when the condition becomes severe. Some recommended surgical options include;

  • Lung transplant – If your lungs are damaged because of scleroderma, then your doctor may recommend you to go for a lung transplant for better functioning of your body.
  • Amputation – If the fingertip tissues are used to diet because of the severity of disease, then you may need to get amputation.

You should contact an experienced and skilled doctor when you observe symptoms of scleroderma. Don’t take medicines on your own. Consulting with your doctor is really necessary to get the best medications and management.

Diet Myths That Promote Weight Gain - tabib.pk

Diet Myths That Promote Weight Gain

Diet is the most important part of our lives that we all need to take care of for living a healthy life. There are some diet myths and facts that all of us should know about for making better food choices. Diet myths mislead you to make the wrong food choices and follow the unhealthy food choices you can experience bad health and weight gain as well. Diet myths that encourage weight gain are discussed below and all of us should know about these diet myths.

Diet Myths

Diet Myths - tabib.pk

Following are some diet myths that can lead to body weight gain and if you don’t correct them you can’t achieve your weight loss goals.

Healthy Diet Does Not Encourage Weight Gain

Some people are of the view that healthy diet does not increase the calories and the body weight does not increase, however it is a misconception because even healthy diet has calories. If you keep eating healthy food with the belief that it does not add into your body weight you will never be able to achieve your weight loss goals.

With Exercise You Can Continue Overeating

With Exercise You Can Continue Overeating  - tabib.pk

One of the most common diet myths that people believe is that exercise allows you to eat as much as you want. Exercise promotes good health, but it does not mean that if you exercise even in combination with unhealthy life style and bad eating habits it will benefit you in the same manner. You need to keep the check your calorie intake, and should exercise accordingly. A moment on lips can make the exercise of an hour crucial for you.

More Mini Meals Are Better Than Less Larger Meals

People on the diet are of the view that if they eat more mini meals instead of less larger meals they will lose more body weight. When they eat smaller portions of the meal they eat more as compared to the larger portions they eat three times of the day. The calorie intake increases by eating smaller portions of diet many times a day.

You need to get rid of these diet myths for being successful in the weight loss regimen.

Diet Plan and Exercises for Cancer Patients - tabib.pk

Diet Plan and Exercises for Cancer Patients

If you or any of your loved ones is suffering from cancer disease, then you should know that just getting medication is not enough. There is a need to do proper exercise and follow a healthy diet plan to increase the quality of life. Diet and exercise are two essentials of your cancer treatment. Also, they assist you in minimizing the chances of recurrence of cancer. In this way, you can manage associated side-effects in a well-mannered way.

Diet Plan For Cancer

Both – making wise food choices and having enough amount of proteins and calories – are necessary while a person is going through cancer treatment. Though every individual is different from the other, so no one can assure if the patient will feel difficulty in eating or not. And if the difficulty happens, how bad it will be.

The nutritional requirements of every person can be different, so there is a need for an individual evaluation. Side-effects may also happen as a result of cancer treatment. In such situation, changes in nutrition of the patient can be a challenging task. Loss of appetite is a major side-effect of cancer treatment. If a patient consumes healthy and enough diet during the treatment, it helps him in becoming healthy in a less time period. A well-balanced diet plan includes carbohydrates, fat, protein, minerals, and vitamins in a specific quantity which is required by the body. Having enough water is also important. For majority of individuals, following food items should be included in the diet plan;

  • The minimum amount of salt, alcohol, sugar, and fat
  • The average amount of dairy products and meat
  • Lots of cereals, whole-grain bread, vegetables, and fruits

The illness and specific treatment may affect an individual’s appetite and the capability of his body to tolerate foods. Usually, protein and calorie intake should be increased when a person is fighting with a fatal disease like cancer. So, you have to select high-protein and high-calorie foods.

Foods To Help Fighting Cancer

Following is a list of food that can help you in fighting with cancer and even prevent its symptoms.

  • Apples
  • Legumes
  • Carrots
  • Walnuts
  • Fatty fish
  • Cruciferous vegetables
  • Berries

“There is no food that can cure cancer but a good food choice can help in managing risks and symptoms.”

How Many Calories You Should Intake?

If you are going to calculate how much calories you need to keep your body healthy while getting treatment, then you have to take various factors into consideration. These factors include height, weight, type and stage of cancer, and the presence of side-effects. It will help you in deciding what and when you need to eat.

National Cancer Institute has recommended a way which can help cancer patients to intake more about of nutrients through drinks and foods.

  • When you feel hungry, eat your biggest meal.
  • Make it your habit to intake snacks and small meals throughout the day even when you don’t feel too much hungry. It will help you in getting high-protein & high-calorie.
  • Make it your habit to stay hydrated and drink more amount of water and fresh juices. You may also include liquids like caffeine-free tea, clear carbonated beverages, clear apple juice, and water. 8-12 glass of liquid a day should be your goal.

Hygiene Is Important!

Cancer patients should also pay attention to hygiene so that they intake only clean food. Such patients are at a higher risk to suffer from diseases because their immune system becomes weak. So, additional food safety is a MUST for them.

Be careful in following aspects:

  • Wash your hands before taking or eating food.
  • Take care of the required temperatures for your food.
  • Cover your eatables.
  • Cook food by keeping your temperatures safe.
  • Soak the food like berried in water before rinsing because you cannot easily scrub them.
  • Avoid fruit juice, milk, and raw honey.
  • Before eating, make it your habit to scrub all raw vegetables and fruits with the help of water and a brush. Unwashed vegetables can make it risky for you and the chances of getting infection may increase.
  • Avoid sushi, undercooked or raw meat, eggs, poultry, fish, and salad bars as they may contain harmful bacteria.

If you have any questions regarding safety or any aspect of your food choice, then consult your doctor to clear them. Your doctor may also give you a booklet to get help.

Exercise Management For Cancer Patients

Exercise can help you in managing side-effects of the medication and radiation treatment. Hence, in the past, the cancer patients got instructions of taking rest and limiting their physical activities by their doctors. New researches have been made and doctors got to know the importance of exercise and physical activities for cancer patients. They got to know that physical activity helps patients to increase their survival by managing their weight and increasing quality of life. Also, exercise can be helpful in dealing with side-effects including stress, anxiety, and fatigue, etc. On the other hand, limiting physical activity can lead to a reduced range of motion, muscle weakness, and loss of body functioning. By keeping this fact in the consideration, cancer care teams are not urging their patients to get involved in the physical activities and do exercise before, during, and after getting the treatment.

“Walk is the best physical activity to managing your health while fighting with cancer.”

What Regular Exercise Does To Your Body?

While going through cancer treatment, regular exercise can assist you in the following ways:

  • Reducing fatigue
  • Maintaining weight
  • Reducing nausea
  • Improving balance
  • Increasing stamina
  • Improving and maintain physical capabilities
  • Reducing the risk of osteoporosis
  • Reducing the risks of depression and anxiety
  • Increasing the quality of life
  • Increasing self-esteem
  • Reducing blood clotting and improving blood flow
  • Managing muscle strength

Recommended Exercises For Cancer Patients

Following exercises are usually recommended for cancer patients to boost their quality of life.

  • Resistance training
  • Aerobic exercises
  • Flexibility exercises
  • Stretches

Here, you need to know that different fitness regime is required for every person because every individual is different. So, the exercise program of each patient should be managed on the basis of his safety and ease. Some other aspects should also be considered which may include the stage of level, person’s capability to perform, strength, and fitness level, etc. You have to consult your doctor to make a fitness plan for you.

A List of Best Exercises during Pregnancy - Tabib.pk (1)

A List of Best Exercises during Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a phase that comes in the life of every woman almost, and she becomes careful about everything at this time of life for having a healthy baby and safe pregnancy. Exercise is good for both the mother and the baby. If you do the best exercises during pregnancy you can get rid of common discomforts such as sleeping disorders, and back pain.

 The List of Best Exercises during Pregnancy

The list of best exercises during pregnancy is discussed below and you can do these best exercises during pregnancy with the advice of your doctor because at times the pregnancy has certain complications so in that case the consultation of a doctor is essential.


Swimming  during Pregnancy - tabib.pk

Swimming is one of the best exercises during pregnancy because it comforts the joints of the body. The swollen knees get relieved with the help of swimming.

Weight training

weight training during pregnancy - tabib.pk

Weight training is considered to be one of the best exercises during pregnancy; however the strength of this training should not be so intense. If you already do this weight training so the probability is to continue with the same training routine. You should avoid the hard core weight training during pregnancy.


Walking  during pregnancy - tabib.pk

Walking is always good to strengthen your muscles and to elevate your mood. Most of the women reported it as one of the best exercises during pregnancy because it helps in delivery as well, and can be continued till delivery. You should start with less and then should increase the speed and distance with time.

High intensity sports

High intensity sports are advised to be continued even in pregnancy; however they can make the best exercises during pregnancy by taking some ease in your routine. As the due date of pregnancy comes closer you should run on a smooth surface in order to avoid the spills and reduce the impact.


Stretching  during pregnancy - tabib.pk

Stretching is something very useful for pregnant women and it is included in the list of best exercises during pregnancy so you should add it in your routine to benefit yourself and the baby as well.

4 Bad Eating Habits to Quit - Tabib.pk

4 Bad Eating Habits to Quit

Eating is essential for life, and our body survives with the help of what we eat. Eating can benefit and harm your body so you should eat in a healthy manner to benefit the body. Most of us adopt bad eating habits that prevent us to live a healthy life. It is necessary to quit those bad eating habits for good health, and some of the habits are given below.

Take Dinner Early

Take Dinner Early - Tabib.pk

Taking dinner late at night is not good for the health and it contributes to increase your body weight. Late at night the metabolism becomes slow as studies have proven that those who eat late at night put on more body weight as compare to those who eat the same amount of calories in the early hours of the night. This is one of those bad eating habits that most of us have for one reason or another and or health is being affected due to it.

Don’t Cook Everything in Olive Oil

Don’t Cook Everything in Olive Oil - Tabib.pk

Olive oil is good for health and it contains the healthy antioxidants in it which promote good health. Olive oil is one of the best options, but excessive use of this oil is not good for health. The reason is the lower smoke point of this oil when this oil is being heated to its smoke point the useful substances of the oil start degrading and turn into harmful substances.

Avoiding Deserts

Avoiding Deserts - Tabib.pk

When you avoid eating deserts you think that you are doing a good thing to yourself, however in real you are not. The feeling of deprivation can trigger you to overeating so eating deserts in a limited amount is not one of the bad eating habits.

Avoiding Hydration

Avoiding Hydration - tabib.pk

Hydration is essential for the body a without being hydrated your body can’t perform well. Most of us avoid drinking enough water that is one of the bad eating habits. Sufficient water intake offers plenty of health benefits to the body such as it keeps the body cool and let the muscles and joints perform in a well manner.

These bad eating habits hinder us from living a healthy life so quit these habits as soon as possible to live a healthier life.

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